Josephine E. Montgomery
| Short Biograhpy
JOSEPHINE MONTGOMERY is a British subject and citizen of the world. She has travelled extensively and is a published writer of travel articles and short stories.
Her passion is Tudor and Anglo Saxon history. She has three historical novels published, AN UNEXPECTED ADVENTURE, set in Tudor England. FITZGERALD HALL - trilogy, book one, A SUMMER OF DECEIT, book two and HWICCE book three of a trilogy set in the Anglo Saxon era, published by Ecanus Publishing UK.
Josephine’s office, while living in England, was opposite the Tudor King Henry VIII’s beautiful Hampton Court Palace, on the banks of the River Thames. During May of 2014 she stayed for one week, within the palace, in the Royal Pie-Maker’s apartment, next to King Henry’s Great Roasting Kitchen, to write an article for SCBWI.
Josephine’s family home is in England, where ancestors date back 1000 years to the time of William The Conqueror.
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